莫雅圆,女,1991年9月出生,2020年博士毕业于法国蒙彼利埃大学(MontpellierUniversity)过程工程专业,师从Prof. Catherine FAUR和Dr. Eric GUIBAL。个人邮箱地址:moyayuan110@163.com。
[1] Yayuan Mo, ThierryVincent, Catherine Faur, and Eric Guibal. Se(VI) sorption from aqueous solutionusing alginate/polyethylenimine membranes: Sorption performance and mechanism.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, volume 147, 832-843(2020).(SCI收录)
[2] Yayuan Mo, Thierry Vincent, Jacques Desbrieres, Catherine Faur, andEric Guibal. New highly-percolating alginate-PEI membranes for efficientrecovery of chromium from aqueous solutions. CarbohydratePolymers, volume 225, 115177 (2019). (SCI收录)
[3] Yayuan Mo, YankuiTang, Shengye Wang, Junming Lin, Hanbing Zhang, and Dongyuan Luo. Greensynthesis of silver nanoparticles using eucalyptus leaf extract, MaterialsLetters, 144(2015), 165-167. (SCI收录)
[4] Shengye Wang, Yayuan Mo, Thierry Vincent,Catherine Faur, Jean-Claude Roux, Enrique Rodríguez-Castellón, Catherine Faur,and Eric Guibal. Palladium nanoparticles supported on amine-functionalizedalginate foams for hydrogenation of 3-nitrophenol. Journal of MaterialsScience, volume 55, 2032-2051(2020). (SCI收录)
[5] Shengye Wang, Ke Xiao, YayuanMo, Bo Yang, Thierry Vincent, Catherine Faur, and Eric Guibal.Selenium(VI) and copper(II) adsorption using polyethyleneimine-based resins:Effect of glutaraldehyde crosslinking and storage condition. Journal ofHazardous Materials, volume 386, 121637(2020). (SCI收录)
[6] 黄付平, 莫雅圆, 秦玉兰, 代晋国, 郭辰. 采用纳米陶瓷膜技术提标改造工业园区废水工程实例[J]. 水处理技术, 2017, 43(11), 136-139.