
 黄思玉 :工学博士,高级工程师,讲授本科《环境仪器分析》,从事多孔高分子薄膜、多孔金属材料等环境功能材料的制备和应用研究工作。


   1. 耐高温动力锂离子电池隔膜的开发(广西科学厅基金)

   2. 纳米多孔金属材料在环境污染物的拉曼光谱分析中的应用(广西科学厅基金)


[1] Huang Siyu, Liu Xinyu, Li Qingyu, Meng Mianwu, Long Tengfa, Wang Hongqiang, Jiang Zhiliang, The preparation of nanoporous gold electrodes by electrochemical alloying/dealloying process at room temperature and its properties , Materials Letters 64(2010): 2296-2298

[2] Huang Siyu, Liu Xinyu, Li QingYu, Chen Jun, Pyrite film synthesized for Lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 472(2009):L9-L12

[3] Huang Siyu, Liu Xinyu, Li Qingyu, Meng Mianwu, Long Tengfa, Jiang Zhiliang. Nickel disulfide films synthesized by sulfidation of nickel oxide film, Solid State Sciences 13(2011): 1375-1378.

[4] Huang Siyu, Chen Ying. Electrochemical Catalytic Oxidation Performance of a Nanoporous Gold Electrode, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering       44(2015): 2156-2158.

[5] SiYu Huang, Chen Ying, Qingye Liu. Electrochemical behavior and application of a silver electrode in a 1M LiPF6 solution, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Completed  Accept)