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2. Xiangru Zhang, Qishun Fan, QingkuanLi* et al. The source, distribution and sedimentary pattern of Krich brines inthe Qaidam Basin, Western China. Minerals. 2019, 9, 655 (SCI).

3. 张湘如, 樊启顺*, 魏海成等. 察尔汗盐湖碳酸盐硼同位素地球化学特征. 地质学报, 2017, 91(10):2299-2308 (EI).

4. Zhanjie Qin*, Xiangru Zhang, Zhangkuang Peng etal. Extraction and separation of boron in anhydrite and gypsum minerals and itsisotopic measurement by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Chinese Journalof Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 46(1): 48-54 (SCI).

5.Qingkuan Li, XiangruZhang,Jianping Wang*. Influence of non-marine fluid inputs on potash deposits innortheastern Thailand: Evidence from δ37Cl value and Br/Cl ratio ofhalite, 2020,35,11(SCI).

6.Zhanjie Qin*, Qingkuan Li, Xiangru,Zhang,Qishun Fan, Jianping Wang, Yongsheng Du, Yunqi Ma, Haicheng Wei, QinYuan,Fashou Shan. Origin and recharge model of the Late Cretaceous evaporites in theKhorat Plateau. 2020. Ore Geology Reviews 116,103226 (SCI).